Mr. and Mrs. Galitz

Mr. and Mrs. Galitz

Friday, July 9, 2010

Holbrook, AZ to Amarillo, TX July 8th - 9th

Well, one thing is for sure.  I don't like Houston and I don't like Amarillo...I don't think I like Texas at all!!  It is soggy here.  Apparently it rained 10 inches here early this morning. What the shizzle is that about?  It doesn't rain ten inches a YEAR in beautiful California!!!  Wow, I now understand what my parents were talking about when they said "dry heat" does not feel as hot.  It's true.  Humidity is not good for my hair and you don't mess with my hair!!!!  Wow, I sure rambled on about that!!

We left Holbrook this morning at 7:30.  The kids were still asleep in their bed all covered up.  Phil and I got up and showered and made coffee and took off.  By the way - my hair LOVES the dessert heat!!!  I didn't even have to straighten it!!  We had my homemade apricot bars for breakfast and the kids had Entenman's Doughnuts.  We stopped in the middle of New Mexico for lunch and stopped for fuel twice today.  Phil says we are getting about 9 miles to the gallon in our motor home which is better than the previous day's 8 miles to the gallon.  This campground isn't all bad.  It has a doggy play yard.  Merit ran laps playing with Roxy and, of course, Pippin did not lower herself to the status of other dogs by playing with (dogs)!  One funny thing did happen, we took the dogs over to see the cows who are grazing about 50 feet away from our campsite and guess who "strutted" right over near a cow completely ignoring the electrified fence?  You guessed it, the 7-pound chihuahua!!

Phil brought me a present today!!!  Three signs for the window of the motorhome.  Photo is attached.  The kids are out playing at the playground working out some of those wiggles.  I am going to go take them out some glow sticks to share around the camp and put on the dog's collars before dinner.  I brined some chicken breasts tonight and I've made a pilaf with dried mushrooms and shallots, grilled asparagus with parmesan cheese will finish out the meal.  Tomorrow we drive to Little Rock, Arkansas!!!  It will be a long day!!!  My wonderful husband is already asleep beside me.  Bye Bye 

Phil's Corner:
OK, I was way too tired to post last night, so I am tardy with this.  The drive through Arizona and New Mexico's desert was beautiful.  I am having a couple of kids issues!!!!  My son PJ loves to sit in the co-pilot chair (Just for your info, Lizzy won't let PJ drive the 31' motorhome so I can take a break...she says he can't cuz he is only 9).  The first day,PJ was excited every time we saw a train.  We would talk about the train and what it could possibly be transporting or going.. real bonding here.  On the second day, I spotted a train on the driver's side and told him I saw a it.  He was doodling in the copilot chair.  He didn't look up so he must not of heard.  I told him a little louder about the train.  He paused his art work,  let out a big breath like I was bothering him. He looked out the passenger window in the opposite direction of the train, and said, "Cool." Then he quickly got back to his doodle. Lesson learned.

Later in the day, we were passing over the Continental Divide!  I was so excited about it.  PJ was again in the passenger seat.  I told him that we were approaching the Continental Divide.  No response from him, nose down doodling again.  He must not of heard me, said it louder.  He looked up at him....I had his attention!!! I then explained about what the Continental Divide was while we were driving towards it.  Silence when I was finished, I looked over at him and he was looking down work on that damn doodle book.  He doesn't care!!!!!  Has to be someone in this RV that cares.  I called for Lizzy, no answer.  I called her a little louder cause she will think this is a great moment.  She answered me from the back (she is reading her Kindle, of course).  I was excited and told her what was coming.  She responded, "Cool." and went back to her kindle.  Lesson relearned

I love my family!!!!

Pics info: No explaining needed for top pic, middle pic is in New Mexico at their welcome center, and the last are the kids with some cows in Texas

1 comment:

  1. It sounds much like a conversation that would have taken place with my own family. Scott would be the one telling everyone else about the great sights and myself & the kids would be answering "Cool."

    Sorry Uncle Phil. :)
